This website is the home of the Arlington Latin Mass Society (ALMS). We are Catholic laymen dedicated to supporting the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass, particularly in the Diocese of Arlington where we are based.
With the policy of the Diocese of Arlington implementing Traditionis custodes having gone into effect – restricting the celebration of the TLM and prohibiting the publication of related information on parish websites, bulletins, and social media – such information will now find a home here and on the parish-specific sites we maintain, found on our Arlington Parishes page. Information on Latin Masses throughout our neighboring (arch)dioceses of Washington, Richmond, Wheeling–Charleston, Baltimore, and Wilmington is also available on our Neighboring Dioceses page.
Neither this website nor any website maintained by ALMS should be construed as an official parish communications platform.
ALMS is a a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization as of February 1, 2023. All contributions starting from that date are tax-deductible.
ALMS is a chapter of Una Voce America as of February 29, 2024, serving the Washington, DC, metropolitan area as Una Voce DC. To learn more, or to apply for membership, click here.